Marinho, Roberto and family, age: 95, Brazil
Claim to fame: Controls Latin America's largest media group, Organizaçoes Globo. Latest moves: Sold a 30% stake in Globo's new Internet portal,, to Telecom Italia for $810 million. The sum is the largest-ever investment in a Latin American Internet operation, and the linkage will eventually allow Globo to deliver its plentiful, popular content over wireless phones.

, self made

Rio de Janeiro


Married, 3 Children*

Globo Cabo S.A.
Av. Rio Branco 1 CEP 20090 003
Rio de Janeiro Brazil
ph: 55212766000 fax: 55212831886


Safra, Joseph and Moise, Brazil
Claim to fame: Banking scions with a flair for telecom investments. Both sit on the board of S“o Paulo-based Banco Safra, founded by their father in 1957, but Joseph runs the show. Latest moves: Cellular phone holdings with Bell South in S“o Paulo and Israel flourishing. Older brother and renowned billionaire banker Edmond Safra died last November in a fire in his Monte Carlo apartment. Majority of Edmond's fortune reportedly willed to charity.

, self made


Sao Paulo


 0 Children*




('previous' and 'next' buttons navigate through list by net worth)
N/A - not available
* information about marital status and number of children dated 1999



Faria, Aloysio de Andrade, age: 79, Brazil
Claim to fame: High-energy banker. Sold commercial part of Banco Real to ABN Amro in 1998 for $2.1 billion. Now heads activities of remaining assets, dubbed Alfa Holdings. Brazil's largest producer of palm oil. Latest moves: Opened a commercial bank with five branches last August; hopes to expand through the Internet. Invested in a Brazilian tourism Web portal. For fun: Raises horses and Holstein cattle at ranch in S“o Paulo state; visits his 12,000-acre farm in southern Brazil.

$2.8 BILLION  
, self made


Sao Paulo

Masters of Science

Married, 5 Children*


Banco Alfa de Investimentos
Alameda Santos 466 4th floor
Sao Paulo CP01418 000 Brazil
ph: 551131755807 


('previous' and 'next' buttons navigate through list by net worth)
N/A - not available
* information about marital status and number of children dated 1999



Ermirio de Moraes, Jose and Antonio, Brazil
Claim to fame: Revered voices in Brazil's business community. Head Votorantim, Brazil's largest private conglomerate. Big in cement, pulp and paper, aluminum. Group revenues last year were $2.8 billion. Latest moves: Its pulp and paper subsidiary Votorantim Celulose e Papel listed ADRs on the NYSE in March. The group's aluminum company, Companhia Brasileira de Aluměnio, started selling over the Web.

, self made


Sao Paulo


 0 Children*


Banco Votorantim
Av Roque Petroni Jr 999-16 FL 
Sao Paulo 04707-910 Brazil
ph: 55115361914 


('previous' and 'next' buttons navigate through list by net worth)
N/A - not available
* information about marital status and number of children dated 1999



Camargo, Dirce Navarro and family, Brazil
Bio not available.

, self made




 3 Children



Vidigal, Gaston, Brazil
Claim to fame: Active in managing Banco Mercantil de S“o Paulo, Brazil's sixth-largest bank. He owns 75%.

, self made


Sao Paulo


 0 Children



Diniz, Abílio dos Santos and family, age: 63, Brazil
Claim to fame: Brazil's second-largest retailer, Grupo Pao de Acucar, continues to thrive, with sales up almost 30% last year. Latest moves: In March the company announced it would separate its Internet business into a new company,, which allows customers to order groceries, flowers and home electronics online.

, self made


Bachelor of Arts

 4 Children*

Comp. Brasileira de Distribuic
AV Bragdeiro Luiz Antonio, 3142 Jardim Paulista
Sao Paulo 01402-000 Brazil
ph: 55118860533 fax: 55118847177


Cutrale, Jose and family, Brazil
Claim to fame: Son of the Sicilian immigrant who founded the company. Latest moves: Cutrale's 45,000 hectares of orange groves give him about one fifth of the world's concentrated frozen orange juice market.

, self made


Bozano, Julio, age: 64, Brazil
Claim to fame: Banco Bozano Simonsen, the fifth-largest privately held bank in Brazil. Latest moves: Bozano stands to make a quick $640 million by selling Bozano Simonsen to Banco Santander Central Hispano. The sale includes 221 retail bank branches and the investment banking arm, with $1 billion in assets under management.

, self made

Rio de Janeiro


 0 Children